XER.ai  Scheduling Tools for Professionals

XER Tracer : Generate schedule predecessors from an XER file

  • Tool that will output a list of every task code with all its predecessors, descending recursively to the specified depth.

    For instance if activity A has predecessors B and C; the tool will continue to show the predecessors of B and C (say D, E, F), and then the predecessors of D,E,F - continuing on and on until there are none left to process.

    This is a recursive algorithm, so complex and long schedules can lead to very large file sizes, thus you can specify the depth limit (i.e. generations of children) to process up until.
  • One Oracle Primavera XER files.
  • Output the displayed table results which include the parent task code and name, along with the child task code and name; descending down the specified number of "generations".

    Very long result sets will not be displayed as a table and must instead be downloaded.

Primavera Schedule Files

For Tracing Analysis